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Ahmed Elsheikh
Faculty of Medicine - Benha University Faculty of Medicine - Benha University | Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery

I am an orthopedic surgeon with sixteen years of experience (Graduated in 2008). I completed my training in Egypt and finished two postgraduate degrees (MSc and MD in orthopedics). 

Also, I had two fellowships in the UK (Shoulder and elbow fellowship and Limb Reconstruction fellowship). 

I returned to Egypt in November 2018, and since then, I have been a university lecturer and a full-time T&O consultant. In March 2024, I was appointed Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery.

My main interest is bone infection, which is evident from my publications, presentations, and societal affiliation. We are treating many complex cases of osteomyelitis. Surprisingly, many cases could be saved early or prevented with more work needed in training, dissemination of knowledge, and national/continental/international work to develop a collaborative approach

Ahmed Elsheikh 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 16:27-16:32 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

以大师之名 In the Name of Masters

讲者 Speaker 外固定器辅助股骨畸形矫正:准确性和学习曲线Fixator-assisted deformity correction of femoral deformities: evaluation of accuracy and learning curve.
2024-09-20 17:25-17:30 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

骨折固定技术 Fracture& Fix technology

讲者 Speaker OSUV在粉碎性下肢骨折计划逐步复位中的应用The utilization of OSUV in the planned gradual reduction of comminuted lower limb fractures.
2024-09-21 17:42-17:47 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

骨感染 1 Bone infection 1

讲者 Speaker 一百次骨髓炎PET-CT扫描学习心得What I have learned from a hundred PET-CT scans for osteomyelitis.