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Jason Hoellwarth
Hospital for Special Surgery Hospital for Special Surgery | Limb Lengthening and Complex Reconstruction

Dr. Jason Shih Hoellwarth is an Assistant Attending Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in limb lengthening and complex reconstruction surgery, osseointegration surgery for amputees, as well as treating congenital birth disorders, pediatric deformities, and traumatic injuries. He has fellowship training in osseointegration, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric deformity reconstruction, and adult deformity reconstruction. Outside of surgery, Dr Hoellwarth is an active Chinese lion dancer.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 14:00-14:15 第二会议厅 B+C Convention Hall No. 2 B+C

节段性骨缺损的处理策略 Strategy for Managing Segmental Bone Defects

讲者 Speaker 骨搬移技术治疗骨缺损Bone transport techniques to manage bone defects
2024-09-20 17:00-18:00 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

其它 Others

主持 Moderator
2024-09-20 17:26-17:31 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

其它 Others

讲者 Speaker 经股骨骨整合与全髋关节置换术的相关性:随访超过两年的患者的观察性队列研究Transfemoral Osseointegration in association with Total Hip Replacement: Observational Cohort Study of Patients with Follow-Up exceeding Two Years
2024-09-21 10:16-10:28 第五会议厅 D Convention Hall No. 5 D

全髓内延长 Fully Intramedullary

讲者 Speaker 机动髓内延长术后骨再生的处理策略Strategy for the management of tenuous bone regeneration following a motorized intramedullary lengthening
2024-09-21 11:07-11:12 第五会议厅 D Convention Hall No. 5 D

全髓内延长 Fully Intramedullary

讲者 Speaker 身高延长患者电动髓内延长钉的最佳拔除时间The optimal removal time for motorized intramedullary lengthening nails in stature-lengthening patients.