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Viktoria Veklich
乌克兰医疗中心 Medical center | Orthopedic and traumatology

We have operated more then 5357 patients with different deformity ages 16 to 50 (65% were aged 35) such as genu varum, genu valgum, blaunt, renum rickets. We perform the treatment using external fixators. We have found that the treatment have positive results in any ages and the term of the treatment almost the same. During the treatment external devices attached to the distal part of the bone where we have found the deformation. The operation performed almost without cutting skin and bloodless. We use partly corticotomy for correction bones. One of the complications is skin infection which can be treated by antibiotics. After the devices is removed patients not need rehabilitation for recovery. Our main goal is to improve a physical, physiological and fulfill the dream of patients to have beautiful legs.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 08:36-08:44 第二会议厅 B+C Convention Hall No. 2 B+C

儿童肢体重建 1 Pediatric Limb Reconstruction 1

讲者 Speaker 儿童先天性下肢发育畸形Congenital anomalies of the development of the lower extremities in children
2024-09-20 17:16-17:21 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

其它 Others

讲者 Speaker 外固定架矫正肢体畸形Correction of deformities using an external fixation device
2024-09-21 16:03-16:08 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

骨缺损重建 2 Sequelae of Trauma& Bone defect、nonunion 2

讲者 Speaker 创伤性骨缺损Bone defect in trauma