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秦泗河 Sihe Qin
国家康复辅具研究中心附属康复医院 Rehabilitation hospital affiliated to National Research Center for Rehabilitation Technical Aids | 骨科



发表论文500余篇,出版《下肢畸形外科》《肢体形态与功能重建》从书等18部专著,《Lower Limb Deformities》(Springer)在国际学界引起广泛关注。获3项省部级、1项国家级科技进步奖。

第一位赴俄罗斯引进Ilizarov技术并主持完成中国本土转化,发起成立中国Ilizarov技术研究与推广学会 (ASAMI),俄罗斯国家Ilizarov中心荣誉教授。创立外固定 (Ilizarov技术) 与肢体重建培训班,培训国内外医师500余位。

兼任国际肢体延长与重建学会与国际Ilizarov技术研究学会中国部主席、中国康复辅助器具协会肢体残障功能重建分会主委,第六届世界肢体重建大会 (北京2024) 组织委员会主席。






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-18 08:00-08:30 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

秦泗河方法重建难治性下肢畸形残缺 Qin Sihe method for refractory lower limb deformities

讲者 Speaker 秦泗河方法重建难治性膝关节畸形Qin Sihe method for refractory knee deformity
2024-09-18 08:30-09:00 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

秦泗河方法重建难治性下肢畸形残缺 Qin Sihe method for refractory lower limb deformities

讲者 Speaker 秦泗河手术结合Ilizarov技术治疗成年期重度马蹄内翻足Qin Sihe method for severe talipes equinovarus in adults
2024-09-18 09:00-09:30 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

秦泗河方法重建难治性下肢畸形残缺 Qin Sihe method for refractory lower limb deformities

讲者 Speaker 秦泗河方法一期手术矫治髋-膝-踝下肢复合畸形Qin Sihe method in one stage for composite deformities of hip, knee and ankle
2024-09-18 09:30-10:00 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

秦泗河方法重建难治性下肢畸形残缺 Qin Sihe method for refractory lower limb deformities

讲者 Speaker 创伤后下肢残缺重建--秦泗河手术视频Qin Sihe surgical video: functional reconstruction of post traumatic lower limb deformities
2024-09-19 08:00-08:30 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

复杂肢体畸形矫正功能重建的东方智慧 Oriential wisdom in deformity correction and limb reconstruction

讲者 Speaker 中老年迟缓性下肢瘫痪畸形:秦泗河功能重建手术智慧Lower limb paralysis deformity in middle-aged and elderly: Qin Sihe's surgical wisdom
2024-09-19 08:30-08:50 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

复杂肢体畸形矫正功能重建的东方智慧 Oriential wisdom in deformity correction and limb reconstruction

讲者 Speaker 软骨发育不全肢体畸形与短缩:秦泗河矫形延长策略Limb deformities and shortening in Achondroplasia: Qin Sihe's surgical strategy
2024-09-19 09:00-09:20 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

复杂肢体畸形矫正功能重建的东方智慧 Oriential wisdom in deformity correction and limb reconstruction

讲者 Speaker 股骨与胫骨延长术的问题与并发症规避要略The Problems and Complications in Femur and Tibia Lengthening
2024-09-19 09:20-09:50 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

复杂肢体畸形矫正功能重建的东方智慧 Oriential wisdom in deformity correction and limb reconstruction

讲者 Speaker 秦泗河为何能用简单手术治愈成年人严重足踝畸形(手术视频+解说)Why can Qin Sihe cure severe ankle deformities in adults just with simple surgery (video+commentary)
2024-09-19 14:00-14:30 第一会议厅 Convention Hall No. 1

开幕式 Opening Ceremony

讲者 Speaker 有朋自远方来,不亦说乎It is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar
2024-09-19 14:50-15:10 第一会议厅 Convention Hall No. 1

大师演讲1 Lessons from the masters1

讲者 Speaker 秦泗河矫形外科37763例肢体畸形手术病例大数据-带给世界医学的历史性富矿Qin Sihe Orthopaedic Surgery 37763 Cases of Limb Deformity Surgery Big Data Brings Medical Enlightenment
2024-09-20 12:55-13:05 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

《Orthopaedic Surgery》Ilizarov技术与肢体重建专刊/《秦泗河肢体畸形矫正与功能重建大数据》、《实用骨外固定学》第2版首发仪式 "Orthopaedic Surgery" Ilizarov technology and Limb reconstruction special issue/" Qinsihe Limb deformity correction and functional reconstruction Big data ", "Practical External bone fixation" the 2nd edition of the first ceremony

讲者 Speaker 《秦泗河肢体畸形矫正与功能重建大数据》图书首发仪式"Qin Sihe limb deformity correction and functional reconstruction big data" book launch ceremony
2024-09-20 13:30-13:42 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

关节残障 Joint disability

讲者 Speaker 秦泗河手术方法-为何能使爬行蹲移者-直立行走?Why the Qin Sihe surgical method can make crawling and squatting individuals walk upright?
2024-09-20 15:00-15:12 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

手上肢畸形的牵拉矫正 Traction correction of hand and upper limb deformities

讲者 Speaker 有限手术结合Ilizarov技术重建手—前臂残缺畸形Limited surgery combined with Ilizarov technique for reconstruction of hand and forearm deformities
2024-09-20 15:20-15:32 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

膝关节重建 Knee Reconstruction

讲者 Speaker 同侧腹直肌、腹外斜肌、髂胫束联合移位——重建屈髋、伸膝功能Simultaneous transfer of ipsilateral rectus abdominis, external oblique abdominis, and iliotibial fasciculus - reconstruction of hip flexion and knee extension function
2024-09-21 09:50-10:02 第二会议厅 B+C Convention Hall No. 2 B+C

罕见病骨科问题 5 Rare disease orthopedic issues 5

讲者 Speaker 软骨发育不全下肢畸形矫正与延长的秦泗河策略(附111例分析)The strategy of correcting and lengthening Qin Sihe of achondroplasia deformity of lower extremity (analysis of 111 cases)
2024-09-21 15:14-15:26 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

脊柱和骨盆重建 1 Spine and pelvis reconstruction 1

讲者 Speaker 骨盆倾斜秦泗河分型与手术平衡策略Qin Sihe Classification of Pelvic Inclination and Surgical Balance Strategy
2024-09-21 19:00-19:15 第一会议厅 Convention Hall No. 1

全体大会 General Assembly

讲者 Speaker “国际肢体重建大会会旗”传递仪式Passing ceremony of the flag of the International Congress of Limb Reconstruction
2024-09-22 12:30-12:38 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

闭幕式 Closing ceremony

讲者 Speaker 会议总结Summary