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Alexander Kirienko
Humanitas Research Hospital Humanitas Research Hospital | TRA2

Specialised in the use of the Ilizarov technique for the treatment of foot and ankle deformities. He worked with Professor Ilizarov (1982-1992) and was the former Chief of the Department of Foot and Hand Surgery, Scientific Centre of Reconstructive Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Kurgan, Russia. He received the M.D. degree (1982) from Blagoveshensk University, Siberia.

From 1992 he worked in Italy, Ospedale san Raffaele, Milano. From 2001 - Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Head of external fixation unit, Rozzano, Milano.

1984 published “Advances in Ilizarov Apparatus Assembly”. Medicalplastic srl, Milan,Italyp.155., last edition , 6°, 2006. In 2004 he published the book “Ilizarov Technique for Complex Foot and Ankle Deformities”, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York&Basel, p.459, this in-depth exploration of the Ilizarov method and offers step-by-step coverage of the wide array of application utilizing Ilizarov technique for correction of deformities including club foot and equinus as well as defects from muscular dystrophy, trauma, burns, and complications of previous surgery.

Member of AAOS, ASAMI international, American LLRS.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-18 14:00-16:00 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

Ilizarov环形外固定器足踝畸形矫正关键技术 Master technique in Foot and Ankle Correctionwith Ilizarov ring fixator

主持 Moderator
2024-09-18 14:00-15:00 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

Ilizarov环形外固定器足踝畸形矫正关键技术 Master technique in Foot and Ankle Correctionwith Ilizarov ring fixator

讲者 Speaker 马蹄内翻高弓足 (workshop)Equinocavovarus foot. (workshop) (8 tables)
2024-09-18 15:00-16:00 第五会议厅 C+D Convention Hall No. 5 C+D

Ilizarov环形外固定器足踝畸形矫正关键技术 Master technique in Foot and Ankle Correctionwith Ilizarov ring fixator

讲者 Speaker 摇椅足 (workshop)Rockerbottum foot. (workshop) (8 tables)
2024-09-20 08:00-09:30 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

足部延长术 Foot Lengthening

主持 Moderator
2024-09-20 08:48-09:02 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

足部延长术 Foot Lengthening

讲者 Speaker 延长融合术在足部畸形矫正中的应用Elongating Arthrodesis in Foot Deformity Correction
2024-09-20 09:50-11:20 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

创伤后骨不连骨缺损 Sequelae of Trauma& Bone defect、nonunion

主持 Moderator
2024-09-20 12:30-12:40 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

专题会:谁与争锋:在传承与创新中砥砺前行 Symposium: Continue improving during inheritance and innovation

讲者 Speaker 什么是外固定架的灵魂?What is the essential of external fixation?
2024-09-20 16:50-18:00 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

肘关节畸形和僵硬 Elbow joint deformity and stiffness

主持 Moderator
2024-09-21 08:00-09:30 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

足踝畸形矫正 Foot and Ankle Correction

主席 Chair
2024-09-21 08:00-09:30 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

足踝畸形矫正 Foot and Ankle Correction

主持 Moderator
2024-09-21 08:15-08:30 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

足踝畸形矫正 Foot and Ankle Correction

讲者 Speaker 足部截骨术的技巧Tips and tricks in foot osteotomies
2024-09-22 08:09-08:18 第二会议厅 C Convention Hall No. 2 C

Symposium-长骨多顶点畸形:诊断、急性和渐进矫正 Multiapical long bone deformities: diagnosis, acute and gradual correction

讲者 Speaker 多平面畸形矫正计划的一般原则General principles of multiapical deformities correction planning