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S Robert Rozbruch
纽约特种外科医院 Hospital for Special Surgery | Limb Lengthening and Complex Reconstruction Service

Dr. Rozbruch is Chief of the Limb Lengthening and Complex Reconstruction Service and Director of the Osseointegration Limb Replacement Center at Hospital for Special Surgery. He is a Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College, and is a member of several national medical societies including fellowship in the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Orthopaedic Trauma Association, and ASAMI — The Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction Society of which he was President (2012-2013). He has presented his clinical and research works at numerous national and international medical meetings and has authored over 200 articles in medical journals and chapters in orthopedic textbooks. He edited two authoritative textbooks on limb lengthening and reconstruction. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-19 14:30-16:10 第一会议厅 Convention Hall No. 1

大师演讲1 Lessons from the masters1

主持 Moderator
2024-09-20 09:50-09:58 第五会议厅 D Convention Hall No. 5 D

保膝、保髋与保肢 Knee and Hip Preservation & Limb Salvage

讲者 Speaker 下肢截肢者一期骨整合肢体置换术Single Stage Osseointegration Limb Replacement for Lower Limb Amputees
2024-09-20 12:10-12:20 第二会议厅 B+C Convention Hall No. 2 B+C

(Symposia)膝关节周围截骨矫形与延长 Limb Lengthening and Deformity Correction Around the Knee

讲者 Speaker Osteotomies about the Knee: Simple to ComplexOsteotomies about the Knee: Simple to Complex
2024-09-20 14:15-14:30 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

下肢延长技术和器械的比较: 外固定、内固定和联合固定 Comparing different techniques and devices of lengthening for lower limbs: External, Internal and combined

讲者 Speaker 同期延长髓内钉内置(LATN)和延长后植入髓内钉(LON):优点和缺点Lengthening and nailing (LATN) and lengthening over a nail (LON): Advantages and disadvantages
2024-09-20 16:00-16:08 第五会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 5 A

膝关节重建 Knee Reconstruction

讲者 Speaker 膝外翻矫正手术后膝关节额状平面运动(步态分析)Frontal Plane Knee Motion (Gait Anaysis) Following Surgical Correction of Genu Valgum
2024-09-21 08:30-08:45 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

足踝畸形矫正 Foot and Ankle Correction

讲者 Speaker 踝关节牵引成形术Ankle distraction arthoplasty
2024-09-21 09:50-11:20 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

踝关节炎 Ankle Arthritis

主持 Moderator
2024-09-21 09:50-10:02 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

踝关节炎 Ankle Arthritis

讲者 Speaker 踝关节牵张置换术治疗关节炎和挛缩Ankle Distraction Arthroplasty with Circular Fixation for the Treatment of Arthritis and Contracture
2024-09-21 11:52-12:00 第五会议厅 D Convention Hall No. 5 D

美容增高 Cosmetic Lengthening

讲者 Speaker 髓内钉的延长和畸形矫正Lengthening and Deformity Correction Using Intramedullary Nails
2024-09-21 14:15-14:30 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

美容延长术:适应证、效果和概念演变 Cosmetic Lengthening. Indications, results and evolution of concepts

讲者 Speaker 利用磁性电动髓内钉进行美容增高术Stature Lengthening Surgery (SLS) using a magnetic Motorized Intramedullary Nail