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Mikhail Teplenky
国家Ilizarov医学研究中心 National Ilizarov Medical Research Centre

Doctor of Medical Sciences,

Head of Department for large joints pathology

Head of Laboratory of Reconstructive bone and joint surgery for children and adults

Trauma and orthopaedic surgeon of highest category

Member of Dissertation Committee of Ilizarov Center

SICOT Member

ASAMI Russia Member






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-18 09:00-09:30 第五会议厅 A+B Convention Hall No. 5 A+B

当代伊利扎洛夫技术(使用Ilizarov环形架和假骨操作) The contemporary genuine Ilizarov technique from Kurgan (Workshop with Ilizarov ring fixator and sawbones)

讲者 Speaker Ilizarov肢体畸形矫正器的设计方案和布局(股骨和胫骨workshop)Design solutions and layouts of the Ilizarov apparatus for limb deformity correction. (workshop on femur and tibia models)
2024-09-18 09:50-11:00 第五会议厅 A+B Convention Hall No. 5 A+B

当代伊利扎洛夫技术(使用Ilizarov环形架和假骨操作) The contemporary genuine Ilizarov technique from Kurgan (Workshop with Ilizarov ring fixator and sawbones)

讲者 Speaker Ilizarov方法长骨延长(股骨和胫骨workshop)Long bones lengthening according to Ilizarov method. (workshop on femur and tibia models)
2024-09-21 09:05-09:10 第五会议厅 C Convention Hall No. 5 C

保髋 Hip preservation

讲者 Speaker 股骨近端缺血性畸形的手术治疗Surgical treatment in patients with ischemic deformities of proximal femur
2024-09-21 11:40-12:30 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

儿童肢体重建 5 Pediatric Limb Reconstruction 5

主持 Moderator
2024-09-21 11:40-11:48 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

儿童肢体重建 5 Pediatric Limb Reconstruction 5

讲者 Speaker 儿童股骨头畸形的髋关节重建术Hip reconstruction in children with deformity of the femoral head
2024-09-21 14:06-14:18 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

脊柱和骨盆复杂问题重建的 ABC The ABC of Spine and Pelvic fixation

讲者 Speaker 在儿童和成人骨盆手术中使用的外固定构型特点The peculiarities of the frames used in pelvic surgery in children and adults