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Rainer Baumgart
Limb Lengthening Center Munich Limb Lengthening Center Munich | ZEM-Germany

Professor Rainer Baumgart (MD), completed a degree in mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and successfully passed the examination as a graduate engineer for aerospace technology in 1981. He then studied medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich, where he was licensed as Medical Doctor in 1985.

In the scientific field, Professor Baumgart initially conducted fluid mechanics research and investigated predilection sites for atheromas in the aorta and carotids at the Laboratory for Biofluid-Mechanics in Munich.

Professor Baumgart is internationally known as a pioneer of new techniques of callus distraction. He participated in all congresses of ASAMI international, starting in New Orleans until today, and was president of ASAMI-Germany. With well over 1000 lectures, 500 publications and a large number of book chapters, he has made a decisive contribution to the dissemination of the Illizarov technique and has also set decisive new impulses for further developments.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-19 16:50-17:10 第一会议厅 Convention Hall No. 1

大师演讲2 Lessons from the masters2

讲者 Speaker 美容肢体延长-我们应用Fitbone的经验Cosmetic lengthening, how we do it with Fitbone – Optimization from experience
2024-09-20 13:30-14:40 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

恶性骨肿瘤切除后的肢体重建 Reconstruction after resection of malignant bone tumor

主席 Chair
2024-09-20 13:30-14:40 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

恶性骨肿瘤切除后的肢体重建 Reconstruction after resection of malignant bone tumor

主持 Moderator
2024-09-20 14:00-14:15 第三会议厅 Convention Hall No. 3

恶性骨肿瘤切除后的肢体重建 Reconstruction after resection of malignant bone tumor

讲者 Speaker BioXpand——儿童肿瘤假体肢体延长的生物学新概念BioXpand – a new biological concept of limb lengthening for children with tumor prostheses