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Lutfi Rashid
马来亚大学医学中心 University Malaya Medical Centre | Orthopaedic Surgery Department

Lutfi Rashid is the Head of the Paediatric Orthopaedic and Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction Surgery Unit at the University of Malaya Medical Center. The center has been a pioneer in Southeast Asia, utilizing the Ilizarov Method since its early adoption in the region during the 1990s. Lutfi completed his fellowship training at the University Malaya Medical Center and further honed his skills through specialized fellowships at St George's Hospital in London and Sheffield Children's Hospital in the UK. In addition to his clinical work, he plays a significant role in advancing medical education by training local surgeons in the latest techniques of limb reconstruction. Lutfi is also deeply committed to humanitarian efforts, offering his expertise in neighboring developing countries as well as in some war-torn regions.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 17:15-17:23 第二会议厅 B+C Convention Hall No. 2 B+C

临床研究成果转化 1 Clinical research and transformation 1

讲者 Speaker 提高双管套筒在经皮截骨术中的精度和安全性Improving precision and safety with Double Barrel Drill Sleeve in Percutaneous Osteotomy
2024-09-21 11:40-12:30 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

固定技术 Trauma and fracture

主持 Moderator