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Anatoly Sudnitsyn
国立伊利扎罗夫医学研究中心 National Ilizarov Medical Research Center | bone and joint infection department






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 17:32-17:37 第五会议厅 D Convention Hall No. 5 D

胫骨横向骨搬移与糖尿病足 3 Tibial Transverse Transport & Diabetic foot 3

讲者 Speaker 下肢牵张成骨Ilizarov方法治疗糖尿病神经骨关节病Treatment of patients with diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy according to Ilizarov method
2024-09-21 08:12-08:24 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

足踝畸形 2 Foot and Ankle Deformity 2

讲者 Speaker Ilizarov方法治疗复杂足部畸形The Ilizarov method in the treatment of patients with complicated foot deformities
2024-09-21 09:50-11:20 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

骨感染 3 Bone infection 3

主持 Moderator
2024-09-21 14:15-14:23 第五会议厅 B Convention Hall No. 5 B

骨感染 4 Bone infection 4

讲者 Speaker 踝关节及后足骨慢性骨髓炎的保肢技术Organ-saving techniques of treating patients with chronic osteomyelitis of the ankle and hindfoot bones