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Arshak Mirzoyan
埃里温肢体延长和重建中心 Yerevan Center of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction

“Arshak E. Mirzoyan, MD, DMedSc, Head of YCLLR, trained and worked in Kurgan, Russia, under the direct leadership of Professor Ilizarov from 1980 to 1989. During that time he successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation on treatment of congenital pseudoarthrosis with the Ilizarov technique. That was the last candidate dissertation corrected directly by Professor Ilizarov.  Professor Ilizarov’s signature on a book about him witnesses his warm attitude to his student and also his visit to Dr. Mirzoyan’s family house when he visited Armenia on March in 1989”.

After establishing practice of the Ilizarov technique in Armenia, Dr. Mirzoyan was invited to Portland, Oregon, USA, where he practiced for two years as a licensed visiting professor.

From there he went to Denmark to help to establish an Ilizarov center at the Aalborg Sygehus. In 2003, in Ilizarov Center in Kurgan, Russia, he successfully defended his scientific dissertation for Doctor of Medicine degree. 






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2024-09-20 10:36-10:48 第五会议厅 D Convention Hall No. 5 D

保膝、保髋与保肢 Knee and Hip Preservation & Limb Salvage

讲者 Speaker 成人“O”型畸形的治疗Treatment of «O»-Type Deformity in Adults
2024-09-20 11:40-12:30 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

内外结合 Combined External and Internal Fixation

主持 Moderator
2024-09-20 11:40-11:48 第二会议厅 A Convention Hall No. 2 A

内外结合 Combined External and Internal Fixation

讲者 Speaker 通过LON/LATN技术肢体延长Aesthetic Height Increase by LON/LATN Technique